Related Searches

Site Search > Recommendations > Related Searches

The SearchStax Site Search solution’s Related Searches feature lets us define a search phrase (such as “Sitecore”) as being related to one or more other potential search phrases.

Site Search also augments the Related Searches from search terms learned from Analytics data using Artificial Intelligence. For the AI augmented related searches, Analytics should be connected with your Search page and there should be enough searches with clicks available.

On the Search Preview page, when related searches are turned on, additional phrases are offered to the search user at the bottom of the list of result-items (default position). If the user clicks one of the phrases, it becomes the focus of the next search.

Related Searches on the Search Preview screen

To set up Related Searches, use the left-side navigation menu to find Site Search > Recommendations > Related Searches.

Recommendations - Related Search Tab

Note the checkbox in the upper left that enables or disables the entire list of Related Searches.

To define a Related Search, enter the principal word (or phrase) into the Word field. The related search phrases may be entered as a comma-separated list in the Related To field. Click the (+) button to add the new entry to the list of Related Searches.

You can download the Related Searches as a .CSV file using the download button (Related Searches as .CSV). You can upload Related Searches (as .CSV or .TXT) using the same format. The primary search is followed by => and a comma-separated list of secondary searches.

Each search may have up to ten related searches. If you try to add more, the system will ignore them. Note that you can delete the entry from the table and rewrite it at any time.

Note the Search feature, which lets you filter the list.

Use the checkboxes and the trashcan icon () to select and delete Related Searches.

Remember that the Save Draft button persists your changes, and the Publish button makes them visible to search users.


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