Sorting Widget JS

The SearchStax Site Search solution’s Sorting Widget allows sorting of search results for UX-JS.


searchstax.addSearchSortingWidget(container, options);

  • container – Element to render widget into
  • options – Configuration options (Read more)

Template Override

The Sorting widget template option allows customizing the UI templates.


Main template for the sorting dropdown.

templates: {

  main: {
    template: `
      <div class="sort-by">
        <label for="sort">Sort By:</label>
        <select id="sort">
            <option value="{{value}}">{{label}}</option>


The ISearchstaxSearchSortingData interface provides the sort options data.


searchstax.addSearchSortingWidget('search-sorting-container', {

  templates: {

    main: {
      template: `
        <div class="sorting">
          <label for="sort-select">Sort By:</label>
          <select id="sort-select">
            <option value="relevance">Relevance</option>
            <option value="date-desc">Newest First</option>
      selectId: 'sort-select'




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