Getting Started with searchstudio-ux-vue


This is an example of using Vue with the SearchStax Site Search solution.

For a full example, see searchstudio-ux-vue.


Install the searchstudio-ux-vue package:

npm install --save @searchstax-inc/searchstudio-ux-vue

Import and Register Components

Import and globally register the Site Search components:

import { SearchstaxWrapper, SearchstaxInputWidget } from '@searchstax-inc/searchstudio-ux-vue';

Vue.component('SearchstaxWrapper', SearchstaxWrapper);
Vue.component('SearchstaxInputWidget', SearchstaxInputWidget);

Wrapper Component

Wrap all other Site Search components within the SearchstaxWrapper component:


<!-- Other SearchStudio components here -->



Pass search configuration to the SearchstaxWrapper component:


Initialization example:

sampleConfig = {
    language: "en",
    searchURL: "",
    suggesterURL: "",
    trackApiKey: "",
    searchAuth: "",
    authType: "basic",
    router: {
      enabled: true,
      routeName: "searchstax",
      title: (result: ISearchObject) => {
        return "Search results for: " + result.query;
      ignoredKeys: [],
    hooks: {
      beforeSearch: function (props: ISearchObject) {
        const propsCopy = { ...props };
        return propsCopy;
      afterSearch: function (results: ISearchstaxParsedResult[]) {
        const copy = [...results];
        return copy;

Initialization object needs to be of type: ISearchstaxConfig

interface ISearchstaxConfig {
  language: string; // language code. Example: 'en'
  searchURL: string; // SearchStudio select endpoint
  suggesterURL: string; //SearchStudio suggest endpoint
  trackApiKey: string; // Api key used for tracking events
  searchAuth: string; // Authentication value. based on authType it's either a token value or basic auth value
  authType: "token" | "basic"; // Type of authentication
  autoCorrect?: boolean; // if set to true it will autoCorrect misspelled words. Default is false
  router?: IRouterConfig; // optional object containing router settings
  hooks?: {
    // optional object that provides various hook options
    beforeSearch?: (props: ISearchObject) => ISearchObject | null; // this function gets called before firing search. searchProps are being passed as a property and can be modified, if passed along further search will execute with modified properties, if null is returned then event gets canceled and search never fires.
    afterSearch?: (results: ISearchstaxParsedResult[]) => ISearchstaxParsedResult[]; // this function gets called after firing search and before rendering. It needs to return array of results that are either modified or untouched.

Adding Components

Add any Site Search components needed:


  <SearchstaxInputWidget />

  <SearchstaxResultsWidget />

<!-- Other components -->



Import the CSS styles:

@import '@searchstax-inc/searchstudio-ux-vue/dist/styles/mainTheme.css';

See the Styling section for information on theming and customization.