SearchStax Help Center

The SearchStax Help Center Frequently Asked Questions page includes FAQs about SearchStax Managed Search, our hosted Apache Solr Cloud service.

Does SearchStax Support Solr Basic Authentication?

SearchStax Managed Search service production systems should be secured with Basic Authentication. You can set up Solr Basic Auth directly from the SearchStax Dashboard.

Warning: Service Interruption

Enabling/Disabling this feature restarts your Solr servers, interrupting service for about 30 seconds.

Using /select and /update with Solr Basic Auth

After enabling Solr authentication, your /select and /update interactions with Solr must include the username and password of a Solr user.

For cURL, add the Solr credentials using the -u 'username:password' parameter.

If your search application doesn’t use cURL, your <Solr HTTP Endpoint> changes from https://machine... to https://user:password@machine...

If you are trying to use Basic Auth credentials from PowerShell, see Basic Auth Credentials in PowerShell.

Connections to Zookeeper remain unchanged.


Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.

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