SearchStax Help Center

The SearchStax Help Center Frequently Asked Questions page includes FAQs about SearchStax Managed Search, our hosted Apache Solr Cloud service.

Does SearchStax monitor my Solr deployments?

These documentation pages introduce the SearchStax Managed Search service deployment-monitoring features.

  • Pulse Monitoring: All SearchStax Managed Search deployments track Solr performance statistics such as:
    • CPU, Memory, JVM
    • Collections
    • Garbage Collection
    • Search Throughput and Latency
    • Indexing Throughput and Latency
    • Caches
  • Email Alerting: All Dedicated Deployments provide a mechanism for heartbeat and threshold-based email alerts triggered by a long list of metrics.
  • SearchStax Site Search solution: The SearchStax Site Search product tracks end-user search events. It lets you make real-time adjustments to search behavior and presentation.
  • Availability Reporting: Premium clients have access to a graph depicting system availability in relation of the uptime guarantees of the service-level agreement.
  • Internal Monitoring Support: SearchStax support engineers receive automatic alerts about memory and performance issues in deployments covered by premium service-level agreements (Gold, Platimum, and Platinum Plus levels).


Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.

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