SearchStax Managed Search service users sometimes encounter a perplexing issue with Performance Monitoring. SearchStax Cloud pops up messages saying that no data is available for one or more graphs.
Consider these possible remedies before contacting SearchStax Support:
- No server selected: Users sometimes forget to select a server in the droplist at the top of the display.
- Inappropriate time period: Pulse cannot display data for times when the selected server was not running. For example, if you create a new deployment and then ask for last month’s data.
- Too much data: SearchStax Cloud may take a few minutes to calculate graphs that display weeks or months of data. While calculating, it displays “No Data” messages.
- Primary server is down: If the problem occurs on the Collections graph, check that the lead server of the cluster is running. SearchStax Cloud obtains collections data from that server only.
Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.