SearchStax Help Center

Can’t Connect to Solr or Zookeeper

SearchStax Managed Search service clients sometimes discover that they can’t connect to Solr or Zookeeper.

Most IT departments and ISPs issue IP addresses using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). From time to time, your workstation’s IP address will change without warning. When it does, you’ll have to update your IP filter settings.

When ZooKeeper or Solr becomes “unreachable,” check the IP filters first.

Warning: SearchStax Site Search Security Settings

Components of the SearchStax Site Search solution will run on many different client computers, so the Solr endpoint cannot be shielded by IP Filtering. Solr’s IP Filter must be

Therefore, Site Search enables Solr Basic Auth and creates two new Solr user accounts.

Zkcli Connection Issues

See What if ZKCLI returns an error? for specific zkcli connection issues.


Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.

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