Deployment Data Usage Limits

Whether you plan to host Solr yourself, or use a provider like the SearchStax Managed Search service, there will always be additional Cloud costs to consider outside of the deployments themselves. Transferring data across geographic regions and processing large volumes of data can be factors in understanding the total cost of ownership for your search project. This page details the included limits for each deployment plan tier, how consumption is measured, and some options you have to optimize your deployment’s data usage.

Plan Data Usage Limits

A Deployment’s Data Usage limits are based on the deployment’s subscription level as follows:

Deployment Subscription LevelMonthly Data Usage Credits
Platinum Plus2,500

* Gold support is no longer offered to new clients, but is still honored.

Data Usage Limits are designed to provide a predictable cost of ownership for the majority of search projects. Some projects will require additional bandwidth due to complex or high workload requirements. Connect with your accounts team to learn more about additional bandwidth. Not sure who your account manager is? Reach us at our support desk

Measuring Deployment Data Usage Consumption

Data Usage Credits are flexible and can be applied to either cloud data processing or cloud data transfer operations.

One Data Usage Credit is equivalent to:

  • 10GB of data processed by the deployment’s load balancer or application gateway, or
  • 1GB of data transfer out of the cloud region by the deployment’s nodes.

SearchStax measures the consumption of data usage credits on a monthly basis via reports directly from the deployments’ Cloud Provider.

Resolving Data Usage Overconsumption

A SearchStax account manager will perform outreach to registered administrator users for your account if a deployment is consuming more Data Usage Credits than allowed by the deployment’s subscription level.

SearchStax account management will assist with exploring the following options with your team:

  • Deployment strategy best practices.
  • Cost optimizations through deployment plan upgrades or by purchasing additional Data Usage bandwidth add-ons.

Failure to resolve plan data consumption beyond the commercially allocated limits can result in SearchStax terminating the deployment after 30 days’ notice has been provided.

Optimization Tips

Below are some guiding principles for using Solr effectively from a data usage cost and hardware utilization perspective:

  • Deploy Solr in the same Cloud provider and region as your application. Deployment prices vary from cloud provider to cloud provider, but having Solr in the same Cloud region improves performance and reduces the amount of data transferred out of the region.
  • Consider multi-region Solr deployments for global search. If your application is hosted in multiple geographic regions, deploy Solr in those regions as well to keep latency and cost low.
  • Optimize Solr requests and data. Below are some examples:*
    • Reduce Solr request complexities to reduce data processing volume.
    • Reduce request payload sizes to reduce data processing volume.
    • Limit the minimum records returned in Solr API responses to reduce data processing and data transfer volume.
    • Reduce data transfer volume by using filters and facets to narrow results sets before returning them to the client application. 
    • To reduce data processing and data transfer volume avoid indexing unnecessary fields. Specify only select fields in your queries to reduce large payloads being retrieved for a search.  
    • Limit Index updates using bulk updates or commit within transactions to reduce data handling overhead and processing.

*SearchStax support does not include consultation on data usage optimizations with Solr. These suggestions are designed to put you on the right path toward generic optimization with any Cloud provider. Consult Solr documentation or Cloud Provider-specific documentation for further guidance on Solr functionality or cloud data processing and cloud data transfer optimization tips.


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