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Sitecore | SOLUTIONS

site search
made easy for

University of Chicago Medicine logo for SearchStax case study

Best-in-Class Site Search Experience

Deliver feature-rich site search experience your users expect
with SearchStax Site Search

Discover the 14 keys to better website search

Gain Visibility with Site Search Analytics

Make informed decisions with detailed and actionable search analytics

Search KPI Trends & Dashboard

Click & Content Analytics


Popular & No
Result Searches

Claim Autonomy for Your Marketing Team

Rapidly improve and update the search experience without developers

Ranking & Relevance Tuning

Personalization & Models

Rules &

Synonyms & Stopwords

Easily Connect to Your Sitecore Website

Speed implementations with the Sitecore module,
UX Accelerators, Search UI Kit and developer APIs

Native Platform
for Sitecore
Search UI Kit
Search APIs for Developers

We found that the search results with SearchStax, straight out-of-the-box, was lightyears ahead of what we were delivering through our existing configuration.

Luke Williams | Head of Digital Experience
Australia Catholic University

SearchStax Makes Site Search
Easy for Sitecore