Uncover Your Site Search Analytics

Go from insight to impact with actionable data that monitors, tracks and analyzes your website searches.

View Key Site Search Analytics

Get a quick view of key performance indicators or KPIs on the customizable dashboard -- and then dive into the details with Searches, Content, Relevance and Power Search

SearchStax Site Search Analytics Dashboard

Understand What Customers Are Looking For

View the most popular searches, searches without results or clicks and
get cues for making improvements

Analyze Site Search Engagement

Dive into the content volumes, clicks and click-through-rates to understand what users are searching for and which results meet their needs

Uncover Insights to Improve Relevance​

Review average click positions, click counts and conversions to see where you need to make your content more relevant to customers​

Explore Data On Any Dimension​

Use Power Search to filter your data anyway you want to with the easy-to-use interface to gain even deeper insights and export the results

Drill Into Individual Searches or Results​

Dive into an individual search or content item
to identify specific areas for improvement

Check out these resources to get more information on site search solutions

Often overlooked, frequently underused… Site search is an underrated tool that marketers can use to improve their website experience and gain invaluable information about their visitor intent and behavior.

One of the most common questions we get here at SearchStax is about the difference between our two products.

The SearchStax Site Search Analytics glossary is a summary of key terms and definitions used for analytics

Frequently Asked Questions
About Site Search Analytics

What Search Analytics are available with SearchStax Site Search?
  • Total Searches
  • Searches with Clicks
  • Click-Through Rate
  • Average Search Latency (How long it took to return search results)
  • Average Click Position (The average position of the search results that had a click)
  • Percentage of No Results Searches
  • Metrics of Related Searches, including Clicks and CTR
  • Searches per Session
  • % Search Exits
  • Search Terms and How Many Unique Searches
  • Search Terms that had No Results and how many times the term was searched
  • Search Terms with No Clicks
  • Results that were the Most Clicked
  • Results that were the Least Clicked
  • Content Items – Impression Count, Click Count and Item Click-Through Rate
What are the benefits of SearchStax Site Search analytics vs. Google Analytics?

SearchStax Site Search offer benefits for digital marketers looking to understand and improve their website content. Because Site Search was built as a site search tool first and foremost, it is more user friendly and provides more in-depth site search metrics.

The key reasons include:

  1. Specifically built to run and analyze the website search experience
  2. Intuitive dashboard that shows key metrics that can help create actionable steps to improving web content
  3. Customizable reports by filtering searches and content items based on key metrics

Deliver better website search experiences and gain
insights with SearchStax. Let’s talk.