Marketing in Higher Education

Virtual Conference

Ready to transform your higher education marketing and boost enrollment? Join Jeff Dillon from SearchStax as he walks you through the evolving digital marketplace for higher education.

With over 20 years of experience in higher ed tech leadership, Jeff reveals critical insights on overcoming resource scarcity, navigating the enrollment cliff, and leveraging advanced search technology to enhance user experience.

Learn how to turn your search functionality into a superpower and drive valuable, actionable insights from search data.


Uncovering the Blind Spot in Your Content Strategy

Instructor: Jeff Dillon | Higher Education Strategist at SearchStax
When: Recorded April 24, 2024, at the AMA Higher Education Virtual Conference

In the competitive landscape of higher education, universities are meticulously curating their digital experiences, from choosing the right CMS to crafting compelling content. Yet, a crucial element often remains in the shadows – the strategy behind site search. It’s time to uncover the blind spot that could revolutionize your approach to attracting prospective students.

Jeff’s session will equip higher ed marketers with insights to:

  • Break Down Content Silos: Learn innovative strategies to integrate and optimize your digital assets, ensuring that your content works together seamlessly, enhancing your university’s online visibility and accessibility.


  • Align with Student Expectations: Understand the digital-first mindset of today’s students. We’ll delve into how their search behaviors and expectations shape their academic journey, and how you can meet them where they are – online.


  • Maximize Your Digital Assets: Discover how to leverage your content as a strategic asset, transforming it into a magnet that attracts and engages prospective students through targeted, effective search optimization.

Full Conference Agenda

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Opening Keynote

10:55 AM - 11:25 AM

Jeff Dillon from SearchStax

Times are Central

(Formerly Cloud)