Dec. 17, 2021

Tom Humbarger


2 min. read

SearchStax was recognized in four different G2 Categories for Enterprise Search for Winter 2022. In addition, SearchStax has received 15 new reviews since July 1st. G2 is the largest and most trusted software marketplace and helps professionals make smarter decisions on software purchases based on authentic and real peer reviews.

SearchStax Gets 5 Stars in G2 Reviews

SearchStax has received 15 customer reviews since July 1st. We have an overall average rating of 5 out of 5 stars and each review is from a validated customer and current user.

For each review, there is an overall rating and comments covering:

  • What do you like best?
  • What do you dislike?
  • Recommendations to others for considering the product
  • What problems are you solving?
  • What benefits have you realized?

Here is a sampling of the customer quotes from recent SearchStax reviews:

  • “A big thumbs up”
  • “SearchStax is the perfect partner”
  • “What can I say…since engaging SearchStax, I sleep better at night”
  • “SearchStax provides an amazing product and an even more amazing team”
  • “High performance and highly scalable”

Check out the SearchStax G2 website to get the details on the rest of our reviews.

SearchStax is High Performer in Enterprise Search

In the Winter 2022 reports, SearchStax was recognized as a High Performer for Enterprise Search. Products in the Higher Performer quadrant on the G2 Grid Report have high customer satisfaction scores and low Market Presence scores compared to the rest of the category.

SearchStax is High Performer in Enterprise Search

SearchStax was recognized as the Easiest to Use product in the Usability Index and we earned the highest Ease of Use rating in the category. The factors considered include Ease of Admin, Ease of Use, Meets Requirements and Other Factors. SearchStax was 2nd in this category.

SearchStax is Easiest to Do Business With

We also received high marks for the Easiest Doing Business With product in the Relationship Index and earned the highest Ease of Doing Business With rating in the Enterprise Search category. The factors for this category include Ease of Business, Likely to Recommend, Quality of Support and Other Factors.

SearchStax Best Meets Requirements for Enterprise Search

Finally, SearchStax was recognized as The Best Meets Requirements product in the Usability Index for earning the highest Meets Requirements rating in the Enterprise Search category. The Usability Index combines Ease of Admin, Ease of Use, Meets Requirements and Other Factors to arrive at a total score

SearchStax makes powerful search easy and is the fastest and easiest way to deliver relevant digital experiences. Schedule a demostart a free trial or contact us for more information about SearchStax Cloud or SearchStax Studio.

By Tom Humbarger

Senior Marketing Programs Manager

"Your developers’ time is a very valuable commodity. They should spend their time focused on value-added activities such as building better search experiences instead of dealing with the mundane operational details of deploying, managing and scaling Solr infrastructure."

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