Jan. 21, 2021

Tom Humbarger


3 min. read
We are excited to announce that the SearchStax Site Search Winter 2021 Release is now available.

Editor’s Note: Managed Solr is now SearchStax Cloud. Site Search is now SearchStax Studio. These are the same great products, with SearchStax Cloud supporting Solr infrastructure and SearchStax Studio making website search easy.

Features in this release include:

  • Search UX Accelerators – SearchStax’s UX Accelerators enable you to get a search experience up and running quickly with site search best practices. 
  • Promotions and Rules – Promotions and Rules allow you to promote or customize search results based on user’s searches or matches within search terms.
  • Site Search for Sitecore Module – New Site Search Module for Sitecore 9 and 10 that allows for easy integration, data loading and Search Page Template to get up and running within 60 minutes.
  • Search Feedback – Easy widget that allows marketing teams to get user feedback and comments about their search experience; Managed within Site Search Analytics

Get a Search Page Up Quickly with Search UX Accelerators

With SearchStax UX Accelerators, you can deliver site search best practices on your site in a matter of hours. 

You can see the Search UX Accelerators in action on the SearchStax website where we are using it to showcase the capabilities. Some of the best practices we implemented include search feedback, facets, color coded content types, type-ahead, spell check, synonyms, stopwords, promoted items, view by grid or list and sort by relevance or date.


Improve Site Search Ranking and Relevance with Promotions and Rules

You can now take advantage of Promotions to push content to the top of the results page to curate customized search results. We have also added Rules as another option to improve how results are displayed in the search experience.

To see promoted items on the SearchStax website, type “sitecore” into the search bar. The first three items in the search results have been promoted and are identified with a star in the upper right corner. These are the content items we think are most important and relevant to your search.

Streamline Implementations with the Site Search for Sitecore Module

For new Site Search customers who use Sitecore for their CMS and SearchStax Managed Solr for their Solr infrastructure, we have developed a new Site Search for Sitecore Integration Module to accelerate the implementation process. This module is offered as a free add-on for Site Search and reduces the integration time with Sitecore to less than 60 minutes.

You can see the SearchStax icons that get installed with the Sitecore Module in the middle of the Control Panel

The Sitecore Module lets a user configure their SearchStax Site Search account and credential details using the Sitecore Control Panel and Launchpad. From there, the module automatically indexes Sitecore web content, including new content, using our APIs. The final component is the SearchStax UX Accelerator (mentioned above) that incorporates site search best practices and lets developers quickly get search working on their Sitecore 10 installations.

Solicit and Analyze Feedback from Search Feedback

As part of the Search UX Accelerators, we have added a Search Feedback mechanism where users can leave quantitative and qualitative feedback on how they feel about your search experience. The results are aggregated in a NPS score and the comments are captured for review. Companies can use this feedback along with search analytics to drive improvements to the overall search experience.

Feel free to stop by the SearchStax website and test this feature for yourself by clicking on the Search Feedback link to the right of our search bar.

SearchStax Site Search breaks new ground by giving business teams the power to manage, analyze and enhance the site search experience on their websites while reducing IT bottlenecks and is designed to deliver quick value.

Contact us today for a quick discussion and demonstration to see how Site Search can help improve your search experience.

By Tom Humbarger

Senior Marketing Programs Manager

“…search should not only be for those organizations with massive search budgets.”

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