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Site Search Analytics:
Searchstax Site Search vs. Google Analytics

Digital marketers historically have not paid much attention to what visitors are searching for once on a website. But that is changing as marketers and SEO specialists understand the importance of site search metrics. 

Download our white paper for a comparison of site search analytics in SearchStax Site Search Analytics vs. Google Analytics.

UX Best Practices for Site Search

SearchStax Site Search Analytics FAQs

What Search Analytics are available with SearchStax Site Search?
  • Total Searches
  • Searches with Clicks
  • Click-Through Rate
  • Average Search Latency (How long it took to return search results)
  • Average Click Position (The average position of the search results that had a click)
  • Percentage of No Results Searches
  • Metrics of Related Searches, including Clicks and CTR
  • Searches per Session
  • % Search Exits
  • Search Terms and How Many Unique Searches
  • Search Terms that had No Results and how many times the term was searched
  • Search Terms with No Clicks
  • Results that were the Most Clicked
  • Results that were the Least Clicked
  • Content Items – Impression Count, Click Count and Item Click-Through Rate
What are the benefits of SearchStax Site Search Analytics vs. Google Analytics?

SearchStax Site Search offers benefits for digital marketers looking to understand and improve their website content. Because SearchStax was built as a site search tool first and foremost, it is more user friendly and provides more in-depth site search metrics.

The key reasons include:

  1. Specifically built to run and analyze the website search experience
  2. Intuitive dashboard that shows key metrics that can help create actionable steps to improving web content
  3. Customizable reports by filtering searches and content items based on key metrics

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