Aug. 10, 2020

Tom Humbarger


3 min. read

We are pleased to announce the availability of SearchStax Site Search – a new product designed to enhance, manage and optimize the end-user site search or internal search experience.

Editor’s Note: Site Search is now SearchStax Studio. It is the same great product that empowers marketers and developers with website search that is easy.

Impediments to Better Site Search

Delivering a modern, relevant and personalized search experience is the holy grail for site search, but there are significant challenges to achieving the goal of improving search rankings, click positions or conversions:

  • Current Platform – the “out-of-box” search experience is rudimentary at best — and requires IT to update
  • Custom Built Options – custom or do-it-yourself solutions pose a higher risk of failure due to a variety of reasons — and they are expensive to setup and maintain
  • No Affordable Options – there are no options to provide better site search for most small to medium businesses without breaking the bank

Get Rapid and Measurable Value

SearchStax Site Search is targeted at pragmatic buyers who need enhanced search that delivers rapid and measurable value – at 1/10 the cost of some competing solutions.

SearchStax Site Search is designed to be used by business teams and includes:

  • Analytics – Gain insights into all aspects of search so you can see what works, what doesn’t and where to make improvements
  • Experience Manager – Configure and manage the search experience within an easy-to-use interface
  • Experiments – Conduct simulations and use A/B testing to optimize the search relevance for your customers

Deliver Great Site Search Experiences

Gain Insights with Search Analytics

Dive into the details related to searches, content, relevance and conversion:

  • Popular searches
  • No result searches
  • Search content engagement
  • Relevance metrics

Configure Search Without Coding

Use our simple interface to configure search features any way you want to with facets, synonyms, stopwords, spell checking, auto-suggest and related searches.

Control and Improve Search Relevance

Control how search results are ordered and shown to the user to ensure the right results are show at the right time and place. Adjust which content shows up near the top of your search results by boosting fields, crafting custom rules, creating promotions and modifying the sort order.

Personalize and Optimize Search Experience

Show different results to different audiences; Compare relevance strategies, run experiments and A/B tests to improve conversion rates and click rankings.

Improve the Return on Your Search Investment

SearchStax Site Search will improve your overall search experience and will undoubtedly lead to an increase in your level of Search Experience Maturity. Site Search installs easily with minimal effort and will help you:

  • Understand how search is performing on your website
  • Empower your business teams to “own” the search experience
  • Achieve rapid and measurable value at 1/10 the cost 

Learn More About SearchStax Site Search

Site Search works with any Solr deployment and is compatible will all major CMS platforms (Sitecore, Adobe Experience Manager, Drupal, etc.) and custom apps. The best way to  to see how Site Search can improve site search for your organization is to schedule a personalized demo where we can learn more about your challenges and customize a demo to highlight what’s important to you.

By Tom Humbarger

Senior Marketing Programs Manager

“…search should not only be for those organizations with massive search budgets.”

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