June 27, 2022

Tom Humbarger


2 min. read

For the second quarter in a row, SearchStax has been rated as a High Performer in the G2 Enterprise Search Summer 2022 report. In addition, SearchStax has been recognized for Best Support in the group. G2 is the largest and most trusted software marketplace and helps professionals make smarter decisions on software purchases based on authentic and real peer reviews.

SearchStax is a High Performer in Enterprise Search

SearchStax continues to increase Market Presence in the Enterprise Search Category and now has 30 G2 reviews with an average rating of 4.7. On G2, Enterprise Search Software covers solutions that facilitate the organized retrieval of stored data, whether that the data is internal to an organization or externally facing in sources like custom applications and websites

SearchStax Rated #1 in 4 Categories + Best Support

SearchStax was also recognized as #1 in the Enterprise Search category for:

  • Quality of Support
  • Ease of Admin
  • Integrations
  • File Types

SearchStax received a G2 Badge for Best Support for having earned the highest Quality of Support rating in the Enterprise Search category.

SearchStax makes powerful search easy and is the fastest and easiest way to deliver relevant digital experiences. Schedule a demostart a free trial or contact us for more information about our hosted Solr solution SearchStax Cloud or our website search solution SearchStax Studio.

By Tom Humbarger

Senior Marketing Programs Manager

"SearchStax Cloud Serverless complements our SearchStax Cloud offering by providing an option that enables developers to deploy and integrate Solr quickly with their website or application at a low starting cost."

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